Patch 1.5

    • EW schrieb:

      Hello Hunters,

      We’re excited to release patch 1.5 today! In this update we will be addressing a number of issues such as the animal path finding maps, animals freezing and the ‘death on login’ bug a number of players were experiencing.

      The consecutive harvest bonus now carries over in single player games and we aim for the same in multiplayer, but it will require some more work before being released.

      Our focus on improving stability continues with additional crash fixes as well as graphics optimizations that include changes to in-game graphics such as shadows and shaders.

      We are aware that some of you are really keen on having the ‘Exit to main menu’ button in-game but we’ve decided to prioritize game stability and bug fixing for now. However, since it’s been discussed in the forum, we wanted to let you know that it is indeed not forgotten, and we plan on including this into the game as soon as it is finalized.

      Also, a special thank you goes out to player ‘Valkenswaard’ who has set up and maintains the bug report thread on the Steam board. This is a valuable source of information for our developers and we check it on a daily basis.

      Finally, we have listed the changes and improvements we made in Patch 1.5 in the sections below. Let us know what you think about it in the comments for the announcement and the discussions thread in the forum - we're looking forward to your feedback.

      Happy Hunting,

      theHunter: Call of the Wild Team


      Improved animal path finding maps. This change will decrease the risk of animals freezing / not moving.
      This change will potentially remove some of your discovered need zones.
      Fixed point of interest being too close to a rock which killed players
      You will no longer see your own discovered need zones when joining another player’s game.
      Fix for player death when starting the game
      Spotted animals now count correctly in the “Spot 5 Animals” competition
      Consecutive harvest bonus now carries over in single player games

      User Interface:

      Localization improvements including fixing cut offs, truncations and more
      Waypoint is now consistently orange on the map and mini map and has the correct icon


      Callers now play in the correct distance when used by other players in multiplayer
      Audio settings are now saved correctly

      Stability & Performance:

      Fixed memory leak in loading screen that could cause a crash.
      Fixed issue with grass not showing on long distances when switching between Ultra and Low graphics settings
      Performance Improvements:
      Fixed issue overwriting scale of horizon and time for shaders
      Removed unnecessary functions for shaders
      Added culling for tree and vegetation shadows
      Fixed mismatching cloud shadows
      Optimized cloud particle effects
      Optimized performance of vegetation shadows
      Improved performance in scope view
      Fixed volume fog when shadows are present
      Minimized pixel jittering
      Fixed mismatching shaders for shadows
      Fix for flickering birds
      Improved transmissions on trees
      Optimized shader complexity for visual results


      Fixed structures that were placed in vegetation
      Fixed various floating assets
      Gamepad vibration is now saved correctly
      :beer: Whisky is the Answer but I can´t remember the Question :beer: